

'To set apart one day a week for freedom, a day on which we would not use the instruments which have been so easily tuned into weapons of destruction, a day for being with ourselves, a day of detachment from the vulgar, of independence of external obligations, a day on which we stop worshipping the idols of technical civilization...' ~ Abraham Joshua Heschel

The luddites weren't against technology, only the technologies that had been used to exploit them. What technologies in our own lives have we allowed to be instruments of our own exploitation? What media and apps have we told ourselves are ok to use even as they mine our data, advertise, build up A.I. and other algorithms, and spread false information and hate between us? Are we stepping away from all forms of exploitation or have we made allowances where we shouldn't have? What does a shabbat free of exploitation, a shabbat of liberation look like to you?


The weaver of worlds weeps

For the tapestry of life

For the lives rent

For the frayed edges

For the unraveling yet to come.

When we are undone, we pray that G-d is not, so that one of us still stands whole. We do not tremble alone in the vastness of the universe, we carry each other forward.

For those of us who are online due to isolation. How can we curate our digital experiences on Shabbat? How do we make our digital worlds holy?

Currently Reading: 'No Masters But God: Portraits of Anarcho-Judaism' by Hayim Rothman.

What is Da'at? Where would it be mapped onto the body? The Throat. Da'at the unity of all sefirot. The throat, the place of vibration, connection, sound, internalizing that which is around you before it flows to the heart, before it is digested.

The tree of life and the sefirot as a spiral, tree rings, the solar system. Planets have their own unique sound, their own harmonic vibration. Are the sefirot harmonic? Speech creates the world. Harmonics, sound, vibration. Everything is created through specific sounds that form them. Atoms, string theory, vibration at specific resonances so as not to slip through that which is physical, we all have a resonance, a sound that formed us that fixes us within creation, within this dimension. How are we staying true to our resonance? How are we causing dissonance within ourselves? How are others creating dissonace or resonance within us?